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What if we were fearful but did it anyway?

Fear is natural. Fear is important at times to keep us safe from our environment. But fear also holds us back; fear prevents us from moving forwards & growing as a whole person. Fear feels uncomfortable but it doesn't mean that in the presence of fear we should remain in that rut, stuck where we are. What if we took that leap? Or that small step towards our dream, our passion?

What if we were fearful but did it anyway?

I am a great procrastinator - I can think of a million reasons, & more probably, why I shouldn't do something. Take building my business, for example...when I discovered energy medicine I had been searching for many years for a healthcare system that uncovered & challenged the root cause of a person's issue & not, merely, symptom-management which I had been practising within Western Medicine. I felt the fire within me, the excitement that quickly grew into a desire to share with others. I truly believe & have witnessed & experienced for myself the power of our energy shifts within each of us leading to incredible personal growth on all levels, physical, psychological & spiritual.

But, believe you me, I can talk myself out of sharing everything that I've learned over the past 4 years by listening to the fear within me:

What if you fail?

You're going to sound crazy!

What will your colleagues at work think?

Stick to Western Medicine, it's financially more "secure"

Like I say, I could go on...& on...

Using the skills I have learned within AgapeMind & "practising what I preach" every day, I have pushed on. I have uncovered some of those stumbling blocks, my limiting beliefs, that hold me back from doing what I am truly passionate about. It's not easy & I know I have a lot more work to do; every day is a challenge but I am rewriting the chemistry of my mind so that I can change that internal dialogue & manifest my dreams, my goals. I am learning to truly believe in myself & to challenge the beliefs that I grew up with that attempt to reinforce that I will surely fail.

I AM worthy & deserving to share with the world the possibilities of an incredible personal journey for everyone.

Please contact me if you would like to discover more & to sign up for the next AgapeMind Online course on 5th & 6th November. I am excited & grateful to share in your journey also.

403 510 4589


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