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Energy Healing 

Charlotte uses a combination of the HelioSol System, BodyTalk, AgapeMind and BreathWork principles to ensure comprehensive therapeutic energy healing. These sessions are easy, safe and comfortable; they are done with the client fully clothed. An Intuitive Healing session usually lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. The length of a session is not indicative of the quality of the session or the results that occur; as even the simplest sessions can be quite profound.


The BodyMind knows just how many changes and corrections it is ready to initiate in any given session, and will, therefore, indicate when the session is complete and may even establish a time when you may need to return for a follow-up session. Having said that, we have experienced many stressors in our life up to this point, and it is, therefore, a balance of regular rebalancing and maintenence sessions that create homeostasis and healing within the BodyMind. For this reason, session packages are available.

You will either relax in a chair or lying on a treatment table while the practitioner, positioned at your side, will gently use neuromuscular biofeedback, similar to applied kinesiology, to establish which communication circuits and systems within the body have become compromised, and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established and rebalanced, for the most effective healing process to occur.


Tapping on the body to get it to focus on healing has been used by indigenous holistic systems, such as yoga and EFT, for centuries. Specifically, tapping on the head alerts the brain to the imminent changes, tapping on the heart to "communicate" rebalancing to every system, organ, cell within the BodyMind, and tapping on the Gut helps to integrate and "synthesise" the shift. This activates the brain and helps to facilitate the body's own ability to restore and maintain its' optimum health.


Please check out my first video showing you how easy it is to do the Cortices Technique Feeling stressed, anxious, over-whelmed? Tap out your's how...

Please check out my first video showing you how easy it is to do the Cortices Technique
Feeling stressed, anxious, over-whelmed? 
Tap out your's how...
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Please check out my first video showing you how easy it is to do the Cortices Technique
Feeling stressed, anxious, over-whelmed? 
Tap out your's how...

Please check out my first video showing you how easy it is to do the Cortices Technique Feeling stressed, anxious, over-whelmed? Tap out your's how...

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